The Qur’an and Shi’i Islam: Texts, Studies, Legacies

SRI and the Institute of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto are co-hosting a two day international conference  on “The Qur’an and Shi’i Islam: Texts, Studies, Legacies”.

This conference will be held in Toronto, Canada, on August 25-26, 2025.

Call for Papers

A boundless spring of inspiration throughout Islamic history, the Quran has stimulated a vast array of commentaries across time and contexts. From linguistic analyses to mystical exegeses, from historical reflections to philosophical excursions, many of the Muslim world’s most brilliant minds have dedicated themselves to exploring the faith’s sacred text. Among the most significant contributors to this endeavor were Shi‘i luminaries, the investigation into whose works is still in its early stages. This conference aims to explore the rich and diverse contributions of Shi‘i scholars to Quranic studies.

The conference will create a venue for scholars to probe the various facets of how the Shi‘a, broadly conceived, approached the Quran. We welcome studies of Twelver, Ismaili, Zaydi, ‘Alawi (Nusayri), and other Shi‘i or Shi‘i-affiliated contributions to Quranic Studies to foster conversations and dialogue among researchers.

Questions that may inspire (but should not limit) proposed contributions include:

  • What makes a Quranic commentary Shi‘i?
  • What role did the Shi‘i Imams play in guiding their followers’ understanding of the sacred text?
  • What tools and hermeneutical devices did the Shi‘a employ in their writings on the Quran?
  • How did their commentaries inform and animate practices of the faithful from classical until contemporary times?
  • How did Shi‘i scholarship of the Quran influence non-Shi‘is, and how did non-Shi‘i exegetes inform Shi‘i inquiries?

We welcome contributions ranging from focused studies of individual texts (including translations with an analytical introduction) to broader manifesto pieces that contribute to theory in the study of religion. Proposed papers should represent new research and not previously published work. An edited volume of outstanding papers on the topic has been planned with an academic press.

Interested scholars should submit an abstract of 250 to 400 words, a Biography of up to 100 words, and a CV (including name, affiliation, and contact information) by April 7, 2025. Abstracts, which will be peer-reviewed before acceptance, should include the title of the proposed paper, a brief introduction to the topic, and a well-developed thesis with objectives and preliminary arguments clearly expressed. The conference will cover necessary expenses, including airfare, accommodation, meals at the conference, and the like.

We encourage you to share this information with those who may be interested.

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Submit Abstracts by April 7th, 2025








Hosts and Sponsors:


Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 170 St George St, Toronto, ON M5R 2M8