About the Shi’a Research Institute
“Connecting the pursuit of knowledge for today & tomorrow”
We exist as an educational institution that engages in dialogue, expands upon and produces ideas, and performs research in an effort to further the academic study of Shi’a Islam, thereby positively contributing to the social, political and academic ideas that shape our world.
Our Story
Shi’a Muslims have established roots throughout the Western world, raising a new generation with a better life through education and economic opportunity. Building communities, social infrastructure, mosques, schools, and political activism; have all created a foundation for future generations to thrive within their own identity, and simultaneously contribute to society.
Over the past two decades, new research centres have emerged that advance Islamic scholarship with leading Canadian academic institutions. However, the Shi’a Muslim perspective remains limited in this arena. Little effort has been exerted to understand the religious dynamics of Shi’i Islam and the community that is deeply committed to these religious teachings.
Recognizing the disparity, a group of scholars and educators have coalesced their efforts and ideas around creating a new institution of academic excellence – the Shi’a Research Institute. By collaborating with academic institutions in North America and Europe, we will fill the gap between academia and community. The Institute aims to be the preeminent North American leader in Shi’i and Islamic studies by investing in education, thought leadership, a manuscript library, and lifelong learning.
We are a private non-profit organization, supported by the grassroots Shi’a community. Alongside our faith-based study approach to Shi’a Islam, we strive for cutting-edge academic excellence, and strong methodological rigour. We aim to dedicate the same vision and commitment to the future of Shi’a studies, as previous generations have provided for our community’s establishment.
We are ready to take the next step in our evolution as a Shi’a community in the West.