The Insight Interviews
An informative series of academic discussions, taking a deeper dive on a variety of unique topics
Ep. 21 | The Anthropology of Muslim Authority in Europe
An informative discussion with Dr. Thijl Sunier’s book “Making Islam Work – Islamic Authority among Muslims in Western Europe” published by Brill Press.
Ep. 20 | Exploring Islamic Thought & Philosophy: A Chat with Dr Rustom
An informative discussion with Dr. Mohammed Rustom of Carleton University. Hosted by Dr. Cyrus Zargar, of the University of Central Florida.
Ep. 19 | Islam through an Evangelical Christian Lens
An informative discussion on Dr. Richard McCallum’s book “Evangelical Christian Responses to Islam” published by Bloomsbury Press.
Ep. 18 | The Use of Reason in Islamic Theology: An Exploration of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Syed Muhammad Rizvi, Principal of SRI, interviews Dr. Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad, discussing his intellectual journey and his extensive work in translating Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s Tajrīd al-Iʿtiqād
Ep. 17 | Religious and Political Authority in Medieval Islam
An informative discussion on Dr. Nebil Husayn’s book “Caliphate and Imamate: An Anthology of Medieval Muslim Texts on Political Theology”
Ep. 16 | Exploring the Ethics of Karbala and the Warrior Ethos
An informative discussion on Dr. Cyrus Zargar’s book “The Ethics of Karbala – Myths, Modernity, and Virtues of Nobility”
Ep. 15 | Fatima: A Source of Feminist Theology and Social Activism
An informative discussion on Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala’s book “Feminist Theology and Social Justice in Islam – A Study on the Sermon of Fatima”
Ep. 14 | An Exploration of the Self in Islamic Thought
An informative discussion on Dr. Muhammad U. Faruque’s book “Sculpting the Self – Islam, Selfhood, and Human Flourishing”
Ep. 13 | Shi’ism, Sufism and Qur’an Commentary in the 19th Century
An informative discussion on Dr. Alessandro Cancian’s book “The Emergence of Shi’i Sufism – Sultan ‘Ali Shah Gunabadi and His Commentary on the Qur’an”
Ep. 12 | The Kharijites and a Narrative of Rebellion in Islamic History
An informative discussion on Dr Hannah-Lena Hagemannr’s book “The Khārijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition”
Ep. 11 | Shia Hadith: A Study of Shaykh al Saduq and His Legacy
An informative discussion with Dr George Warner’s book, “The Words of the Imams”
Ep. 10 | Politics, Religious Authority, and Shi’ism in Contemporary Lebanon
An informative discussion with Dr. Farah Kawtharani on her book, Political Thought in Contemporary Shi’a Islam
Ep. 9 | Exploring Spiritual Psychology in Islamic Thought
An informative discussion with Dr. Mojdeh Shariatmadari, on the role of psychology and its study in Islam and Shi’ism.
Ep. 8 | The School of Hillah and Its Legacy in Twelver Shīʿism
An informative discussion with Dr. Aun Hasan Ali, on his latest book, “The School of Hillah and the Formation of Twelver Shi‘i Islamic Tradition”
Ep. 7 | Storytelling and the Pursuit of Virtue in Islamic Tradition
An informative discussion with Dr. Cyrus Ali Zargar, on his latest book, “The Polished Mirror: Storytelling and the Pursuit of Virtue in Islamic Philosophy and Sufism”
Ep. 6 | The Caliph and the Imam: The Making of Sunnism and Shi’ism
An informative discussion with Dr. Toby Matthiesen, on his new book, and events that have shaped the Islamic world.
Ep. 5 | An Exploration of Mysticism and Theology Through Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Ibn ʿArabi
An informative discussion with Dr. Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad, on the Exploration of Mysticism and Theology.
Ep. 4 | The Meeting of Shi’ism and Sufism
An informative discussion with Dr. Eliza Tasbihi, who discusses the Meeting of Shiʿism and Sufism through Haydar Amuli and Cosmographical Diagrams.
Ep. 3 | Women in Shi’ism: Ancient Stories, Modern Ideologies
An informative discussion with Dr. Amina Inloes, who discusses her book, Women in Shi‘ism: Ancient Stories, Modern Ideologies.
Ep. 2 | Opposition to the Imam: A discourse on the formation of Muslim viewpoints regarding ‘Ali b. Abi Talib
An informative discussion with Dr. Nebil Husayn, who discusses his book, Opposing the Imam: The Legacy of the Nawasib in Islamic Literature, published by Cambridge University Press.
Ep. 1 | The Hadith of ʿĀʾisha’s Marital Age: A Study in the Evolution of Early Islamic Historical Memory
An informative discussion with Dr. Joshua Little, who discusses the unique topic of his PhD thesis: the study of hadith surrounding the age of ʿĀʾisha’s marriage to the Prophet Muhammad.